This chapter describes the development of a Technology Architecture for an architecture project.
Figure: Phase D: Technology Architecture
The Technology Architecture phase seeks to map application components defined in the Application Architecture phase
into a set of technology components, which represent software and hardware components, available from the market or
configured within the organization into technology platforms.
As Technology Architecture defines the physical realization of an architectural solution, it has strong links to
implementation and migration planning.
Technology Architecture will define baseline (i.e., current) and target views of the technology portfolio, detailing
the roadmap towards the Target Architecture, and to identify key work packages in the roadmap. Technology Architecture
completes the set of architectural information and therefore supports cost assessment for particular migration
Architecture Repository
As part of Phase D, the architecture team will need to consider what relevant Technology Architecture resources are
available in the Architecture Repository (see Part V, Architecture Repository ).
In particular:
Existing IT services as documented in the IT repository or IT service catalog
TOGAF Technical Reference Model (TRM)
Generic technology models relevant to the organization's industry "vertical" sector
For example, the TeleManagement Forum (TMF) - - has developed detailed technology models relevant to the
Telecommunications industry.
Technology models relevant to Common Systems Architectures
For example, The Open Group has a Reference Model for Integrated Information Infrastructure (III-RM) - see Part VI, Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model - that
focuses on the application-level components and underlying services necessary to provide an integrated
information infrastructure.
This section defines the inputs to Phase D.
Reference Materials External to the Enterprise
Non-Architectural Inputs
Architectural Inputs
Organizational Model for Enterprise
Architecture, including:
Scope of organizations impacted
Maturity assessment, gaps, and resolution approach
Roles and responsibilities for architecture team(s)
Constraints on architecture work
Budget requirements
Governance and support strategy
Tailored Architecture Framework, including:
Tailored architecture method
Tailored architecture content (deliverables and artifacts)
Configured and deployed tools
Technology Principles, if existing
Statement of Architecture Work
Architecture Vision
Architecture Repository, including:
Re-usable building blocks
Publicly available reference models
Organization-specific reference models
Organization standards
Draft Architecture Definition Document, including:
Baseline Business Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed)
Target Business Architecture Version 1.0 (detailed)
Baseline Data Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed)
Target Data Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed)
Baseline Application Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed)
Target Application Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed)
Baseline Technology Architecture, Version 0.1 (vision)
Target Technology Architecture, Version 0.1 (vision)
Draft Architecture Requirements Specification, including:
Gap analysis results (from Business, Data, and Application Architectures)
Relevant technical requirements from previous phases
Business, Data, and Application Architecture components of an Architecture Roadmap
The level of detail addressed in Phase D will depend on the scope and goals of the overall architecture effort.
New technology building blocks being introduced as part of this effort will need to be defined in detail during Phase
D. Existing technology building blocks to be supported in the target environment may need to be redefined in Phase D to
ensure interoperability and fit-for-purpose within this specific Technology Architecture.
The order of the steps in Phase D (see below) as well as the time at which they are formally started and completed
should be adapted to the situation at hand in accordance with the established architecture governance. In particular,
determine whether in this situation it is appropriate to conduct Baseline Description or Target Architecture
development first, as described in Part III, Applying Iteration to the ADM .
All activities that have been initiated in these steps must be closed during the Finalize the Technology Architecture
step (see Finalize the Technology Architecture). The documentation generated from these steps must be
formally published in the Create Architecture Definition Document step (see Create Architecture Definition
The steps in Phase D are as follows:
Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools
Develop Baseline Technology Architecture Description
Develop Target Technology Architecture Description
Perform Gap Analysis
Define Roadmap Components
Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape
Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review
Finalize the Technology Architecture
Create Architecture Definition Document
1. Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools
Review and validate the set of technology principles. These will normally form part of an overarching set of
architecture principles. Guidelines for developing and applying principles, and a sample set of application principles,
are given in Part III, Architecture Principles .
Select relevant Technology Architecture resources (reference models, patterns, etc.) from the Architecture Repository
(see Part V, Architecture Repository), on the basis of the business drivers,
stakeholders, and their concerns.
Select relevant Technology Architecture viewpoints that will enable the architect to demonstrate how the stakeholder
concerns are being addressed in the Technology Architecture.
Identify appropriate tools and techniques to be used for capture, modeling, and analysis, in association with the
selected viewpoints. Depending on the degree of sophistication required, these may comprise simple documents and
spreadsheets, or more sophisticated modeling tools and techniques.
Determine Overall Modeling Process
For each viewpoint, select the models needed to support the specific view required, using the selected tool or method.
Ensure that all stakeholder concerns are covered. If they are not, create new models to address them, or augment
existing models (see above).
The process to develop a Technology Architecture incorporates the following steps:
Define a taxonomy of platform services and logical technology components (including standards)
Identify relevant locations where technology is deployed
Carry out a physical inventory of deployed technology and abstract up to fit into the taxonomy
Look at application and business requirements for technology
Is the technology in place fit-for-purpose to meet new requirements (i.e., does it meet functional and
non-functional requirements)?
Refine the taxonomy
Product selection (including dependent products)
Determine configuration of the selected technology
Determine impact:
Sizing and costing
Capacity planning
Installation/governance/migration impacts
In the earlier phases of the ADM, certain decisions made around service granularity and service boundaries will have
implications on the technology component and the platform service. The areas where the Technology Architecture may be
impacted will include the following:
Performance: The granularity of the service will impact on platform service requirements. Coarse-grained
services contain several units of functionality with potentially varying non-functional requirements, so platform
performance should be considered. In addition, coarse-grained services can sometimes contain more information than
actually required by the requesting system.
Maintainability: If service granularity is too coarse, then introducing changes to that service becomes
difficult and impacts the maintenance of the service and the platform on which it is delivered.
Location and Latency: Services might interact with each other over remote links and inter-service
communication will have in-built latency. Drawing service boundaries and setting the service granularity should
consider platform/location impact of these inter-service communications.
Availability: Service invocation is subject to network and/or service failure. So high communication
availability is an important consideration during service decomposition and defining service granularity
Product selection processes may occur within the Technology Architecture phase where existing products are re-used,
incremental capacity is being added, or product selection decisions are a constraint during project initiation.
Where product selection deviates from existing standards, involves significant effort, or has wide-ranging impact, this
activity should be flagged as an opportunity and addressed through the Opportunities & Solutions phase.
Identify Required Catalogs of Technology Building Blocks
Catalogs are inventories of the core assets of the business. Catalogs are hierarchical in nature and capture a
decomposition of a metamodel entity and also decompositions across related model entities (e.g., platform service ->
logical technology component -> physical technology component).
Catalogs form the raw material for development of matrices and diagrams and also act as a key resource for portfolio
managing business and IT capability.
The Technology Architecture should create technology catalogs as follows:
Based on existing technology catalogs and analysis of applications carried out in the Application Architecture
phase, collect a list of products in use.
If the requirements identified in the Application Architecture are not met by existing products, extend the product
list by examining products available on the market that provide the functionality and meet the required standards.
Classify products against the TOGAF TRM if appropriate, extending the model as necessary to fit the classification
of technology products in use.
If technology standards are currently in place, apply these to the technology component catalog to gain a baseline
view of compliance with technology standards.
The following catalogs should be considered for development within a Technology Architecture:
Technology standards
Technology portfolio
The structure of catalogs is based on the attributes of metamodel entities, as defined in Part IV, Content Metamodel .
Identify Required Matrices
Matrices show the core relationships between related model entities.
Matrices form the raw material for development of diagrams and also act as a key resource for impact assessment.
The following matrix should be considered for development within a Technology Architecture:
Identify Required Diagrams
Diagrams present the Technology Architecture information from a set of different perspectives (viewpoints) according to
the requirements of the stakeholders.
This activity provides a link between platform requirements and hosting requirements, as a single application may need
to be physically located in several environments to support local access, development lifecycles, and hosting
For major baseline applications or application platforms (where multiple applications are hosted on the same
infrastructure stack), produce a stack diagram showing how hardware, operating system, software infrastructure, and
packaged applications combine.
If appropriate, extend the Application Architecture diagrams of software distribution to show how applications map onto
the technology platform.
For each environment, produce a logical diagram of hardware and software infrastructure showing the contents of the
environment and logical communications between components. Where available, collect capacity information on the
deployed infrastructure.
For each environment, produce a physical diagram of communications infrastructure, such as routers, switches,
firewalls, and network links. Where available, collect capacity information on the communications infrastructure.
The following diagrams should be considered for development within a Technology Architecture:
Environments and Locations diagram
Platform Decomposition diagram
Processing diagram
Networked Computing/Hardware diagram
Communications Engineering diagram
The structure of diagrams is based on the attributes of metamodel entities, as defined in Part IV, Content Metamodel .
Identify Types of Requirement to be Collected
Once the Technology Architecture catalogs, matrices, and diagrams have been developed, architecture modeling is
completed by formalizing the data-focused requirements for implementing the Target Architecture.
Within this step, the architecture engagement should identify types of requirement that must be met by the architecture
implementation, including:
Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
Domain-specific Technology Architecture principles
Select Services
The services portfolios are combinations of basic services from the service categories in the TOGAF TRM that do not
conflict. The combination of services are again tested to ensure support for the applications. This is a pre-requisite
to the later step of defining the architecture fully.
The previously identified requirements can provide more detailed information about:
Requirements for organization-specific elements or pre-existing decisions (as applicable)
Pre-existing and unchanging organizational elements (as applicable)
Inherited external environment constraints
Where requirements demand definition of specialized services that are not identified in TOGAF, consideration should be
given to how these might be replaced if standardized services become available in the future.
For each building block, build up a service description portfolio as a set of non-conflicting services. The set of
services must be tested to ensure that the functionality provided meets application requirements.
2. Develop Baseline Technology Architecture Description
Develop a Baseline Description of the existing Technology Architecture, to support the Target Technology Architecture.
The scope and level of detail to be defined will depend on the extent to which existing technology components are
likely to be carried over into the Target Technology Architecture, and on whether architectural descriptions exist, as
described in Approach.
Identify the relevant Technology Architecture building blocks, drawing on any artifacts held in the Architecture
Repository. If nothing exists within the Architecture Repository, define each application in line with the Technology
Portfolio catalog (see Part IV, Content Metamodel).
Begin by converting the description of the existing environment into the terms of the organization's Foundation
Architecture (e.g., the TOGAF Foundation Architecture's TRM). This will allow the team developing the architecture to
gain experience with the model and to understand its component parts. The team may be able to take advantage of a
previous architectural definition, but it is assumed that some adaptation may be required to match the architectural
definition techniques described as part of this process. Another important task is to set down a list of key questions
which can be used later in the development process to measure the effectiveness of the new architecture.
Where new architecture models need to be developed to satisfy stakeholder concerns, use the models identified within
Step 1 as a guideline for creating new architecture content to describe the Baseline Architecture.
3. Develop Target Technology Architecture Description
Develop a Target Description for the Technology Architecture, to the extent necessary to support the Architecture
Vision, Target Business Architecture, and Target Information Systems Architecture. The scope and level of detail to be
defined will depend on the relevance of the technology elements to attaining the Target Architecture, and on whether
architectural descriptions exist. To the extent possible, identify the relevant Technology Architecture building
blocks, drawing on the Architecture Repository (see Part V, Architecture Repository).
A key process in the creation of a broad architectural model of the target system is the conceptualization of building
blocks. Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) describe the functionality and how they may be implemented without the
detail introduced by configuration or detailed design. The method of defining building blocks, along with some general
guidelines for their use in creating an architectural model, is described in Part IV, Building Blocks and the ADM , and illustrated in detail in Building Blocks Example).
Where new architecture models need to be developed to satisfy stakeholder concerns, use the models identified within
Step 1 as a guideline for creating new architecture content to describe the Target Architecture.
4. Perform Gap Analysis
First, verify the architecture models for internal consistency and accuracy.
Note changes to the viewpoint represented in the selected models from the Architecture Repository, and document.
Test architecture models for completeness against requirements.
Identify gaps between the baseline and target:
Create gap matrix, as described in Part III,
Gap Analysis
Identify building blocks to be carried over, classifying as either changed or unchanged
Identify eliminated building blocks
Identify new building blocks
Identify gaps and classify as those that should be developed and those that should be procured
5. Define Roadmap Components
Following creation of a Baseline Architecture, Target Architecture, and gap analysis, a Technology Roadmap is required
to prioritize activities over the coming phases.
This initial Technology Architecture roadmap will be used as raw material to support more detailed definition of a
consolidated, cross-discipline roadmap within the Opportunities & Solutions phase.
6. Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape
Once the Technology Architecture is finalized, it is necessary to understand any wider impacts or implications.
At this stage, other architecture artifacts in the Architecture Landscape should be examined to identify:
Does this Technology Architecture create an impact on any pre-existing architectures?
Have recent changes been made that impact the Technology Architecture?
Are there any opportunities to leverage work from this Technology Architecture in other areas of the organization?
Does this Technology Architecture impact other projects (including those planned as well as those currently in
Will this Technology Architecture be impacted by other projects (including those planned as well as those currently
in progress)?
7. Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review
Check the original motivation for the architecture project and the Statement of Architecture Work against the proposed
Technology Architecture, asking if it is fit for the purpose of supporting subsequent work in the other architecture
domains. Refine the proposed Technology Architecture only if necessary.
8. Finalize the Technology Architecture
Select standards for each of the building blocks, re-using as much as possible from the reference models selected
from the Architecture Repository
Fully document each building block
Conduct final cross-check of overall architecture against business goals; document rationale for building block
decisions in the architecture document
Document final requirements traceability report
Document final mapping of the architecture within the Architecture Repository; from the selected building blocks,
identify those that might be re-used (working practices, roles, business relationships, job descriptions, etc.),
and publish via the Architecture Repository
Finalize all the work products, such as gap analysis
9. Create Architecture Definition Document
Document the rationale for building block decisions in the Architecture Definition Document.
Prepare the technology sections of the Architecture Definition Document, comprising some or all of:
Fundamental functionality and attributes - semantic, unambiguous including security capability and manageability
Dependent building blocks with required functionality and named interfaces
Interfaces - chosen set, supplied (APIs, data formats, protocols, hardware interfaces, standards)
Map to business/organizational entities and policies
If appropriate, use reports and/or graphics generated by modeling tools to demonstrate key views of the architecture.
Route the document for review by relevant stakeholders, and incorporate feedback.
The outputs of Phase D are:
Refined and updated versions of the Architecture Vision phase deliverables, where applicable:
Draft Architecture Definition Document, including:
Target Technology Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed), including:
Technology Components and their relationships to information systems
Technology platforms and their decomposition, showing the combinations of technology required to
realize a particular technology "stack"
Environments and locations - a grouping of the required technology into computing environments
(e.g., development, production)
Expected processing load and distribution of load across technology components
Physical (network) communications
Hardware and network specifications
Baseline Technology Architecture, Version 1.0 (detailed), if appropriate
Views corresponding to the selected viewpoints addressing key stakeholder concerns
Draft Architecture Requirements Specification, including such Technology Architecture
requirements as:
Gap analysis results
Requirements output from Phases B and C
Updated technology requirements
Technology Architecture components of an Architecture Roadmap
Choosing the scope of an architecture development cycle carefully will accelerate the pay-back. In contrast, an
excessively large scope is unlikely to lead to successful implementation.